Welcome to the virtual office of Dr. Pablo A. Jiménez – drpablojimenez- a Latino Christian minister, scholar and author of pastoral and theological resources.
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Q & A
Who is Dr. Pablo A. Jiménez?
Pablo is a Latino Christian minister, scholar and author of pastoral and theological resources. His main handle in social media is “drpablojimenez.” For more information, see his BIO.
What are Dr. Jiménez areas of expertise?
The foci of Pablo’s research are: preaching and homiletics; pastoral leadership and Church revitalization; and theological education.
What theological resources has Dr. Jiménez produced?
Pablo produces written resources–such as books, essays and articles–and educational videos with sermons, lectures and workshops. See his PUBLICATIONS and VIDEOS.
Where has Dr. Jiménez taught?
Pablo has taught at various theological schools, both in English and Spanish, in the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean. Some of these schools are:
- Austin Presbyterian Seminary – Austin, TX
- Garret-Evangelical Theological Seminary – Evanston, IL
- Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary – Hamilton, MA
- Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest – Austin, TX
- Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico – San Juan, PR
- Latin American Theological Seminary – La Puente, CA
- Lexington Theological Seminary – Lexington, KY
- McCormick Theological Seminary – Chicago, IL
- Princeton Theological Seminary – Princeton, NJ
- SEBIPCA (Seminario Biblico Pentecostal) – Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
- Seminario Metodista de México “Dr. Gonzalo Báez Camargo” – Mexico City, MX
- Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano de México – Mexico City, MX
- SEMISUD (Seminario Sudamericano) – Quito, Ecuador
- Wesley Seminary, Indiana Wesleyan University – Marion, IN
- Universidad Teológica del Caribe – St. Just, PR
How can I contact Dr. Jiménez?
To contact Dr. Jiménez, send an email to the following address: correoprediquemos@gmail.com
Bio and Photos – drpablojimenez
Pablo A. Jiménez is the Director of Red Educativa Genesaret (www.rededucativagenesaret.com) and the lead pastor of Movimiento La Red (www.movimientolared.com), an online church. He is an ordained minister of Iglesia Cristiana (Discípulos de Cristo) in Puerto Rico. Jiménez has master’s degrees from the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico (ESPR) and Christian Theological Seminary (CTS) in Indianapolis, Indiana; and a Doctor of Ministry from Columbia Theological Seminary (CTS) in Decatur, Georgia.
Dr. Jiménez publishes in both in English and Spanish. His main book in English is Púlpito: An Introduction to Hispanic Preaching, written with Justo L Gonzalez. Pablo is also the editor of La Biblia para la Predicación (UBS). He produces the podcast titled Prediquemos (www.prediquemos.com); has websites in Spanish (www.drpablojimenez.com) and English (www.drpablojimenez.net); and a YouTube Channel (www.drpablojimenez.tv).