Sermons written and preached by drpablojimenez in English or “Spanglish” (alternating between English and Spanish).

The Aroma of Christ (2 Corinthians 2.12–3.6)
An expository sermon on 2 Corinthians 2.12–3.6 by Pablo A. Jiménez, preached January 29, 2015 at the Worship Symposium 2015 of Calvin Center for Worship, Calvin Theological Seminary.
Go Change the World / Transformemos el mundo
A bilingual sermon based on Matthew 10, by the Rev. Dr. Pablo A. Jimenez. Preached at a Chapel service of the Hispanic Summer Program 2011, held at Mundelein Seminary.
The Missionary God (John 3.16)
A lecture on the Christian Mission, based on John 3.16.
The New Covenant (2 Corinthians 2.12–3.6)
Opening worship service of the 2015 Calvin Symposium on Worship, sponsored by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Center for Excellence in Preaching, held at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Dr. Jimenez preached a sermon titled “The Aroma of Christ”
On mental slavery (Exodus 16)
A sermon on Exodus 16, pondering the effects of a colonial mentality that leads to mental slavery. Preached at New Green Church of God of Prophecy, Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica.
Dr. Pablo A. Jiménez preached this sermon on Psalm 103.1-5 at Casa de Oración, in San Diego, California.
Theological Education as Discipleship (Mark 1o.46-52)
A devotional on Mark 10.46-52, the Healing of the Blind Beggar, affirming that theological education is a form of discipleship.
Time to Choose – A sermon on Ruth 1
A narrative sermon on the first chapter of the book of Ruth, by the Rev. Dr. Pablo A. Jiménez.
Watch! – A sermon on Matthew 24
“Watch!” is a sermon about Matthew 24.44, by the Rev. Dr. Pablo A. Jiménez
What Does These Stones Mean? (Joshua 4.1-7)
A sermon on leadership, based on Joshua 4.1-7.
Whatever happened to joy?: A sermon on Psalm 100
A sermon about the subject of JOY, preached by Rev. Dr. Pablo A. Jimenez (Introduced by Rev. Xose Escamilla).
Why we hope? / ¿Por qué tenemos esperanza?
A bilingual sermon about hope – Un sermón bilingüe sobre el tema de la esperanza.
A bilingual sermon about Ubuntu philosophy (Audio, Video & YouTube).